Was I the only one that got upset when, growing up, I read that it was all a religious allegory?
Unpopular Opinion Last Narnia book movieLast Battle should be for more Older Auidience?
Kim Kardashian Weighing Move to Strip Kanye of Legal Custody of Kids
Blazkowicz supports you!
Do I have Bland White Guy Taste?
Does anyone else like TMNT 2003 more than 2012 or is it just me?
Any Paul Thomas Anderson fans here?
What is your favorite part of TLTWATW?
What do you guys do for a living?
Fast Forward Overhated?
Alright bro I don't know wtf this community is anymore.
Do you guys think the stories in Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles actually happen?
Upcoming Films that People Already Hate
Am I the only one who finds her attractive?
What’s the single best song you’ve ever heard in a movie?
Say something nice about the Mutant Mayhem/Tales Turtles
i love tmnt 2007
Why Are People Saying Joey Fell Off???
OPINION: These 3 haven't topped their first films, and I doubt they ever will
How was my first month?
All game collectors, what do you do for a living?
Is the ancient gods DLC worth it?
Mickey 17 is my first movie of 2025 that got 5 stars. What's yours?
Thoughts on Turtles In Time video game?
8 days into the month what have you guys watch?