Do you spend time with your coworkers outside of work time?
18 and 16 Pregnant
How did you feel when you turned 40?
At what age your face start become adult??
What do you like about your partner?
What do you most desire?
How do you deal with feeling like you don’t belong?
Where my country gone?
How is your relationship with your mother now?
Women with strong abs/core, how did you do it?
Any introverts in "extrovert" roles?
How often do you speak to your parents?
Do you actually enjoy working?
Would you choose to be a stay at home wife if you had the option?
What's your salad hack?
Just found out I’m pregnant and now I don’t know what to do.
The dates of Zodiac Signs changed apparently…
What are you're parental go to sayings?
Is anyone else still on birth control?
Am I a bitch?
Did you do something wild when you turned 40?
Dear contractors, developers, construction workers, tradies..whyyy??
Women who watch porn, do you watch it with your spouse?
Heels on or off during play
Anyone else have a "compulsive talker" in their family?