Should men really get a say in abortion? (Not the father)
Started my first IV and passed IV class!
What is the best comeback if your ex-gf says that her new bf has a bigger d!ck?
Abortion in marriage.
Equivocation with the term "human", and why "human life" does not matter
Confused about a scenario presented in EMT class
Am I legally bound to work 30 days?
Since I can’t do the walkout for the Without Us Strike, I thought I might like pin a coat hanger that says “never again” to my backpack. Good idea? Bad idea?
Do you think its important for trans people to be included in the abortion conversation?
I guess prochoicers are just anti-birth then!
Im not pro life or pro choice i think its none of my business on what women do to their bodies, I do have a question for the pro choice in the text below
Do Not Enlighten Me: Or, how /r/prochoice asks questions they do not want the answers to
Heartbeat bill.
Should a woman be allowed to have a "partial abortion"?
Why is the idea that it's about controlling women's body a huge narrative for PC people? PL often push for the life of the baby.
For pro-choicers in favour of vaccine passports/mandates...
I almost had a heart attack again, a few days ago, because of the stress from my job
So you are now being asked to leave people at home.
Some regulations for Abortions are necessary
[SS] I finally got the amiibo! Now I just need to get the game, haha! Anyways, love how beautiful it is!
Are you glad I was born?
Taking someone to court for STD
Both Sides: How would you feel about this Compromise?
can someone enlighten me on how, calling an individual a “pregnant person” gives more handmaidens-tale vibes than your pro life laws that are killing women?
[OC] I made my boyfriend a cute OoT pot for our anniversary. He better not try to smash it for rupees.