We won't go quietly, Bethesda can count on that.
That food is needed for the war effort!
Can these teams beat Oliver Grayson if they work together?
Darkseid Is... Peak
how the fuck do we outjerk this man
This nigga just casually kicked darkseid while Superman on the ground
Their battle will be legendary!
I'm probably cooked
He may not be a traditional hero, but still a hero regardless
Iron Man has never lost a fight to Spider-Man in a canon comic sold in paperback.
Would you pay $700 for this?
Villains that force the hero to immediately lock in
The courier war (art by decomposedtaco on twitter)
Any of you running mods that drastically change the in-game continuity?
How old will you be on Oct 23, 2077?
Should Superman be stronger then the justice league combined?
“Kraven’s Last Hunt” Recreation
Gooners or pissed off fans, call it
If Goku and Goku Black fuck,is it selfcest?
Every Damn Time
Conquest vs General Zod (Man of steel version). Who wins? Why?
What would happen to Maxson and the Sole Survivor if it was discovered that they spared Danse?
Invincible vs Beast Gohan or Spider-Man vs Hulk, call it
JDM and the writers cooked this episode