Gimme some overused sentence you cringe when reading.
Anyone else more eager to start the spinoff/sequel before finishing the first book?
The word “some”.
Writing a book
What music do you listen to when writing?
What font should I go with?
Need help with jobs :(
deleted my book with 40K views
Where Does Everyone Write?
bxb recommendations
What songs represent TSH for you?
what's your biggest goal on this platform?
I made a playlist for cover songs that would be epic for movie trailers! If you have any suggestions, comment!
dark, moody playlist for good background music to focus to
Dark, moody instrumental study playlist for good background noise to focus
The Secret History
focusing to study or write
staying focus to study or write
What songs do you associate to The Secret History? I'm looking to add onto my playlist!
To stay focused while studying or writing
Get a good Friday afternoon workout in with this!
Cringe Clichés BL stories
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