Pse Prishtinalite nuk e theksojne D edhe B?
Today there has been no tariff headline
Claude Sonnet 3.7 Is Insane at Coding!
Everything is fine
CAT S22 ne Kosove?
Linux Users Righ Now
Worth starting Chia mining in 2025?
I lost 1.5kg with my Intermittent Fasting app. How does UI look?
"Vibe" Coders Unite - Share your project
Is religious extremism rising in Kosovo?
I made this animation using Claude 3.7 in just 4 hours with cursor (I have zero coding knowledge)
This YouTube comment under my video
Write the name of your "fav operator" and let your keyboard finish the sentence
Gazetaria ne kosove a mendoni qe ka ra nje grade ZGHL ?
What drives you to keep pushing forward, even on your toughest days when motivation is low?
Can’t monetize TikTok due to my country – any advice?
A beaver has been spotted in Kosovo for the first time in 200 years.
Need helping picking my first language to learn.New to programming
Ppl from Kosovo are nice
Cilat gjuh programuese kerkohen mas shumti në Kosovë, ose Gjermani?
Platforma per investim te stocks ne Kosove
Spital Privat per Probleme me Lukth
Happy birthday to us I guess