Tips that make you feel beautiful!
Names that start with C
What do you think of this?
Favorite breakfast?
Printed, priced and dated! WTF
12 year old came home with pierced nose
Is this name ruined?
When did you stop working?
Coach is criminally underrated in Season 3 and 4
Ketchup on eggs or maple syrup on egg?
If money wasn't an issue, would you put child in daycare or free childcare with grandparents?
Is anyone familiar with a card game called Rook? When I was growing up in East TN many of my family members liked playing it & went to tournaments in the area. Does anyone play it or remember it being popular?
What prints DO you like?
Do the two-piece pj's have as much wiggle room as zippies do?
Do you really have to baby proof?
I'm apparently ruining her social life, everyone.
How are you brushing baby/ young toddler’s teeth?
Cutest Thing Your Kid is Doing Right Now
What do y'all think about "Outsiders"?
What are reasonable expectations to ask of grandparents who retired to care for your baby full time?
What did you get your babe for their first birthday?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
When did you drop your LO down to one nap?
4f year old freaks out over nail cutting