My family wants me roasted. 37f mom of 4. Each family member added a pic.
Want to expand my music tastes more, recommend me some music
Has there ever been a greater four track run?
Rate my music taste out of ten
Is this valid? (Look at disc)
Is this valid(look at desc)
Who has the better music taste?
Best *band* starting with letter Q?
Who’s getting the aux???
What's the Best Gospel Inspired Rap Song of All Time?
recommend me music based on my perfect 10s
this is so disappointing... nobody in the industry wants gunna on their songs now
I need to be a mod here. I know more about Pluto than most on here.
Guess my age
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Name a song that ur addicted to rn
what’s a genre i don’t listen to that i should try?
Rate my personal top 4
Gimme some hottakes where you compare a kanye album with a other rap album, i beginn🔥🔥
Give me the most boring album of all time
Biggest Kanye What Ifs?
which do you think it is travis worst song?
Who do you want to be featured on Bully
14 too young to go alone?
Time enough passed has