This is too real.
it do be like that
Art by @Ingan_1029
pee pee shaped cheeto
What vibes you getting? Making this on my lunch break lol
I have been a girl basically since I became a teenager and now it has been 5 awesome years!!
My English teacher for some reason gave me a 0 on an assignment that isn’t even due yet my grade was a 87 before what do I do😭
I made Bob. Bob says hi.
GIRLS ONLY! is this normal to feel this way or is it just me 😭
What movie, series, anime or game is this?
Haha 1.9k now 🤣
We played soccer in my dorm, and my friend has the audacity to blast it as hard as he can and breaks the green exit sign
Why tf did they get d0wnv0ted? 😭
I’m 18(F) Stuck in a Living Hell with My Dad
American Rizz
Our new teacher turned out to be a nazi foot fetishist (photo proof)
This is genuinely a hear me out because his character at the beginning was shite but-
Ok ok i know i know but here me out
For the girls: whats something that makes a boy instantly more attractive?
My friend died
How do straight people view us Bisexuals?
Made a quick rough draft
So many of yall have been turning a blind eye to the current events in the USA, that you wouldnt understand how insane this statement sounds