Arcane Denial
Passive Player Advice?
Muldrotha Self Mill Deck Help
Inspiration for a Travel-Themed Deck
Blighted woodland
Raging River
Explain to me like I'm 12 why I don't enjoy TCGs
Is it time to start counterspelling tutors?
Naya Group Slug Commander
Is Pokémon significantly cheaper than mtg?
Thoughts on Proxying to Complete Uncompleted Cycles
Muldrotha, the Gravetide
Help me find an interesting commander for my friend
Commanders that scale with the pod.
Uril, the Miststalker - New Player
I love interaction tied to low cmc creatures, but hate flickering/blinking. Any commander suggestions?
Is there a chance that the Mavs can still contend for a title next season despite this chaos?
Land synergy / land wincons
Animar Deck Tech Help
Whats the most stereotypical, generic high elf name you can think of?
Totally legit but ... Idk... Dirty perhaps?
What are your favorite commanders to see?
"--- but in the command zone" type commanders
Does Ezio only refer to this Ezio or any Ezio?
4 colour flicker commander