Quote Request: 2019 Tesla Model 3 01420 (Fitchburg, MA) to 30114 (Canton, GA)
Horrible company and compensation
How I Hacked My Hydrow Rower!
Any Hydro users use their machines without a subscription?
Progress Chart
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 11th gen (PW5) Jailbreak and install of KOReader
Current time 12 hour
How do we sync our progress on books between koreader app on android phone and koreader on pocketbook?
Find my Phone on Android
Is there a way to have koreader on an android phone?
Any new seasonal "Dale" this year?
What do you guys think? 👀
Looking for a miniature dale the dino
What’s wrong with these?
Question about Dictionary Features
What's this black bar under a book in home screen?
Kindle > Kobo = ❤️
I vaguely recall in physics class that two bodies of mass have a gravitational force proportional to mass and inversely proportional to distance^2; why then do I not see a spec of dust get pulled into my hand if I raise my hand towards it as it falls?
WIP: I Made a Visualizer for the KOReader statistics file
WIP: If you have KOReader, I made a Recap Visualizer for the statistics file
Reading Statistics: One of the main reasons I love koreader
KO reader - reading log analysis
Why is CF making a profit such a bad thing?
Trying to love my KLC
So happy with my first e-reader!