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DaddyP der linksgrünversifte - Nur ein Heuchler?
If you were the Turkish president, would you send young Turkish men to die to protect Poland from Russia?
Turks are Europeans thoughts?
Turks Are Europeans saar pls help against Russia saar
Please Saar help us against Russia saar send your Young Man to die for us saar
What are your thoughts on the comments Turks write here?
FINALLY! Turks are now proud Arabs thank you Europeans!
What do you think about IDF's brand-new X account?
How do you think the Middle East would react to a Military conflict between Turkey and Israel?
The IDF made an account to “provide reliable and instant updates” in Turkish. It seems like that Israel is prioritizing the “Turkish threat” after spending the last decade fearmongering about the Iranian influence.
But Assad supporters said that the new government in Syria is a Turkish-Israeli puppet?
Should Turkey replace the US as the unofficial leader of NATO?
Turkey replaces Iran and becomes the new boogeyman. Thoughts?
Thoughts on this?
The myth of America’s past
Turkish- Hashemite alliance incoming? has Sultan Erdogan finally forgiven them for Arab revolt?
So stimmten Moslems bei der Bundestagswahl
I am a Turk and i voted yesterday for the AfD. Ask me anything
Erdogan calls for EU membership, claiming Turkey can save Europe from the troubles its fallen into with Ukraine
The AfD got 2nd strongest (21%) party in the German elections.
Ben bugün Almanya’da seçtim
Wieder keine Personalausweis-Pflicht zur Wahl (Wahlkreis 218)
Ich war jetzt das erste mal wählen und ich hab die AfD gewählt trotz Migrationshintergrund