If I had a nickel for every time a parrot was essential for uncovering a major plot point in a story, I'd have two nickels
Which James Bond pairing had the best on-screen chemistry?
Jaws' metal balls in Moonraker
I think the highest level a Beatle reached as a songwriter was John Lennon in 1966-1967.
Songs making fun of the people listening to it
George gives his opinion on all Abbey Road songs
If I could then I would have Konata sit on my lap and I wouldn’t let her get up until I had FULLY and DEEPLY sniffed every inch of her hair and knew exactly what shampoo she uses.
Enough of the “Kids Songs” Nonsense
What are the most underrated songs from each album?
Awful Japanese Beatles Record Cover
What's your Favorite Beatles Year?
Technically speaking who was the most proficient musician in The Beatles?
Alternate lyrics in While My Guitar Gently Weeps- Anthology 3
Top 5 best and top 5 worst covers of Beatles songs
Cheerleader Kagami (by Cynical)
Does Bringing It All Back Home count as a concept album?
Best Beatle on Each Album
What do you guys think it’s like going through life without any taste?
Well, It was a good run!
Sgt Pepper's now is underrated
Are you guys fans of Bob Dylan?
Screw ranking albums, I'm ranking sides
The next actor needs to do 3 movies and finish.
What is your favorite song from one of bobs albums