End of Maternity Leave Pity Party
Bottle feed will lead to mouth breathing?
Has anyone waited to find out gender and regretted it?
How to stop feeling guilty??
I got a sad face today when I said I don’t have access to BM.
My best friend is shipping me her leftover breast milk and I’m a sobbing mess because it’s so freaking beautiful.
No really … learn about breastfeeding before you have a baby
Is breastfeeding supposed to be painful?
Birth Trauma
Is it recommended to give formula daily so that baby is used to the taste?
similac ready to feed questions
Please help. I can really use some reassurance or encouragement.
I actually like and chose to exclusively pump, but nothing makes me question my decision more when my pump breaks at 9 pm
Peanut Changing Pad on Babyletto Sprout Dresser - Safety Concerns?
C section, Short breastfeeding duration, and Microbiome
Did anyone tear with their first but not with their second?
Giving up BF/pumping
Breast feeding journey, first time mom.
How much breast milk do babies need to get benefits?
Who wants to come on here and tell me about how their second labor & delivery was so much easier
Pain/pressure in perineal area 10 days after giving birth - can’t walk for more than 5 minutes.
Stomach is ruined postpartum.
How big was your baby at birth?
Feeling bummed. Don’t qualify for any maternity leave benefits.
This can't be real life!!