A cool edit I made a month ago
Ok guys, hear me out...
How much do you think this guy is worth?
Anyone have the settings for this crosshair?
Day 2: The results
New Grey Knights Terminators
Gave my grey knight paladin a bionic arm
Day 1 WIP
My Mars 5 touch screen is completely blank
Finish him
Painted this cool GK Insignia
8 hours spent well
Apothecary Ballard is now battle ready
Apothecary Ballard is battle ready
These guys crashing the chaos party
Grand master Loaf is complete
I turned deathwing knights into grey knights and no one can stop me!!!
Retook pictures like a photographer
Finished 2 painting 2 in one day
Finished 2 minis in one day
Too excited to paint these guys