Anyone here used to be architects but are now civil engineers? How difficult was it to move over and was it worth it?
How high can these blocks be stacked?
I fat-shame my columns and force them to be super slender.
Saw this one on Zillow.
Does this qualify as a plastic hinge?
Damned if I do, damned if I don't
Traffic: the case for remote work
Should we be concerned that the parking garage at 222 Stuart St. is being held together with hundreds of these supports?
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
Substation regret?
I just learned that hurricanes produce more heat and energy then 10,000 nukes combined. What should I do with this information?
Thinner rebar vs thicker rebar?
Holy cow! Wallstreet Tower Kansas City - Failure Possible?
Can I Remove This
RTO = treating us like children
What is the single most lucrative structural engineering path to go?
How would you calculate the forces on this roof?
Used some old drawings from work as wrapping paper, thoughts?
Just Keep on Adding Wood.
Got to love the DI-Why
Ima just leave this here...
Are there any controversies in civil engineering?
Not a single engineer on the ballot
Will 2 bolts hold more weight?
Where are my Geotechs at…
The ground is going down
Are these bags load bearing?