What’s something a Saudi Arabian would never say?! 🤔
Marriage contract for sisters
Camera van PowNed vernield bij filmen ite
Wordt niet aangenomen na 9 maanden solliciteren – ligt het aan Almelo en Overijssel of aan mijn achtergrond?
Hindu mobs attacked a masjid during taraweeh in Maharashtra, India. March 12
Muslim men who married a Christian women how's it going?
Tel Aviv was founded on land purchased from Bedouins, north of the existing city of Jaffa. This photograph is of 1909 auction of the first lots.
Vrouw in brand gestoken in Duitse tram
Van brievenbuspissen tot plagiaat, illegaal wapenbezit en een demonstrant aanrijden: de PVV is altijd goed bezig
I have ~200USD, how can I donate them to Palestine?
Burning a flag
Canada bekijkt alternatief voor Amerikaanse straaljagers vanwege Trump
am i being unreasonable?
🎨 Holi—annual spring festival of colors—with festive crowd on an Indian street 🤯 Ending is mind-blowing!
Brother is going into foster care. Any Muslims who went through foster care? What was your experience?
Syrian Kurds demand redo of new constitution
Band of Broccolis with main character syndrome. These kids need parents.
Broccoli-heads try to take over store for TikTok prank
How are things between Russia🇷🇺 and Suriname🇸🇷
Moslimjongeren overwegen te emigreren: ‘Houden meer van Nederland dan ze terugkrijgen’
Some more Israeli Blackface+Arabface for the coming Purim holiday. This video received 38k likes on TikTok.
Syria must be completely subordinate to us, as must Jordan thoughts ?
giving up
POLL: Best Sultans
Moving to europe. What halal/haram daily use items should i look out for?