What game do you enjoy regardless of how much hate it gets online?
Which anime character suits there personality in the car
If I told you you were hungry, would you agree?
What is on your favorite T Shirt?
Z broly vs kid buu
What anime opening hits you with the most intense nostalgia?
Why do rich people like golf so much?
Epic rock songs with beautiful climax
Which show is better?
What anime has the best animation?
That art style looks strangely familiar...
For those who had detention in school, why was the reason?
Extremely dark moments in a cartoon
What is an emotional moment from animation that everyone sobs at but you are unmoved?
I'll need some coffee later.
My understanding is my understanding none of your understanding.
If you are seeing this then you meant to see :)
Name things MHA does better than other anime/Shonen.
Which anime do you regret watching/reading?
Who is your favorite character that is crazy
What are the best games to unwind after a hard day?
What’s one thing you’d change in a video game?
What is your favorite sport?
How do you think the world will end?
Favorite character that almost never smiles?