How dudes dress their first week in a sober living house starterpack
Unpopular Opinion, Rewathching Daisy of Love
Dozens killed after violent tornadoes hit multiple U.S. states- More storms inc. Today Sunday 16th March
What "types" of people do you secretly judge or dislike?
US to return to burning coal for energy.
The first object on your right would be this cat's name
Why Is The Far Right So Pro Life?
ROL Weekly Mental Health Check
Mediocre but famous and successful band.
Who do you think could play Lola in the biopic?
What is Sophie doing here?
Who had this for lunch…until you couldn’t stand the sight or smell of it?
Would you pay $700 for this?
What did Mad Men turn you on to?
What were elders from your time ranting about?
What is your favorite word that sounds dirty, but is not?
Taya got the most votes Good Person/Hated by Fans! Which ROL contestant is morally grey but mainly hated by fans?
Why is rock music today so awful?
AITA for refusing to attend my sister’s wedding after what she did?
Y'allternative charm: "We flew over the North Pawle..."
Tourist Season
I actually got to meet Daisy yesterday
Actors Who Were Everywhere… Until They Weren’t
Mean Fat People
Tori Spelling says she never drinks water due to 'issues with liquids': 'How I'm still living, no one knows'