Can Ballista be reinforced?
My Retritubuter Armor spray came out ….sandy?
Need help finding the names of the two censored Hive Fleets
Warrior and icon bearer for a Death Guard killteam. WIP
Sons of Horus captain and the last model in my age of darkness box. Average at best paint job but it’s really nice to have finished a box. Any suggestions for a good way to do rubble/stone on bases for my assault squad?
Just an ultramarine finished
My take on a legion of the damned guy💀🔥
My Middle School Kid’s Text To Me that was Supposedly Urgent
The cheapest games that gave you the most fun?
Not that anyone cares but I’m 42 today!
Deathwing test models - pale bone or warm bone?
First ever tau finished!!
First ever tau complete! C&C welcome
Annihilators ready for the storm
Stormsurge Update: just wanted to ask your opinions so far and if I should add a little more weather
Second norn is ready to roll
Hive fleet Achelos
Help starting tau army
Finished building my first Necron model. Are all Necrons this painful to assemble?
Please help me choose between two successor chapters.
My first time trying out some NMM
Couple details need to be touched up, but here's my first BT mini of 2024!
My wife has made a horrible mistake and bought me my first models. Tips, suggestions, other advice to add for a new member of the Hivemind?
Thoughts on Belial changes?
Replicating a post I liked. One year of Kill Team. The bug has definitely gotten me.