Cavedweller's Delight: Double healing pot every 5 minutes
Unholy is the sleeper spec of expansion that everyone needs to try out
TFW You're world first gain
Race to world fourth is over, it's time
Blizzard couldn’t have made the Rookery any easier to get to
Liquid have achieved World First Mythic Gallywix in 99 pulls.
I would watch an entire series of these two con artists hunting treasures
Blizzard Please do something about Black Lotus
3:15 on a saturday
Potential, Player housing in phase 8
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
Warcraftlogs PSA for anniversary: They are wanting to invalidate all logs in BWL onward that use Gnomish Battle Chicken buff and Diamond Flask battle shout buff
Amorphous Relic trinket bugged?
Critcake Permanently banned - Reason from blizzard is: Hacks
Tried tuning into the RWF event and realized that this game probably isn’t for me anymore XD
Name a character that got under your skin as much as Liz - I’ll start
I don’t get the hate for the show in this sub
Redditors have gone full delusional at this point
Petition to remove Elon
Elemental Shaman is bugged, 25% nerf as of reset. Not all players effected.
If you're new to WoW's endgame or not certain what the best way to spend your new Crests are, I've made a quick-ish guide to thinking about what your character's best upgrades are.
Where’s my free game time?
WoW getting DDOS? Cant do anything, even release from death
F18. I don't think you can come up with something that I haven't heard before.
I created a weakaura to count classes on tokens in a raid, to avoid annoying pugs where raid leaders are alone on their token.
Why can’t things just be fun?