Opinions on Cranbrook
People who live alone, be honest, do you make your bed every day? If so, why? If not, why not?
The Yoda and Luke scene in TLJ is easily a top 5 Star Wars moment
Any of yall have horrible memory?
Places to make new friends?
Why is some paranormal stuff timeless and others aren't
Why is some paranormal stuff timeless but some have a shelf date?
Why is some paranormal stuff timeless and others aren't?- eg ghosts are always around but no one talks about spontaneous human combustion or black eyed kids anymore?
The Chosen one prophecy
That moment at the flea market, when you realize you're looking at a vampire killing kit.
I give up. I’m done.
What was just given to me?
Even though the dialogue in prequels is so bad it's laughable, this line somehow goes hard af
The Dream Responds: How Commitment to Growth and Service Unlocks the Simulation
Can you just get what you want really fast?
Any recommendations for good independent cleaners for a fortnightly domestic clean? (Not companies!)
Confession: I watched Star Wars in chronological order and regretted it
How would you react if the Simulation Theory was revealed to be real?
YSK You don't look like your photos
Uncanny should stay as a podcast
The Airbnb I’m staying at in NZ has a 7 foot tall JarJar in the living room
What older famous person do you think is hot?
You Are Limitless SO Manifest Like It!
Movies and entertainment industry and its impact on my soul, mind and manifestation
50 Shades of gray Jedi