Which book you advice to read, to increase English speaking?
Why the world seems like is going to end soon ?
How often do you go out?
What happens if you don’t pay your taxes?
What feels like therapy to you ?
what new thing did you learn recently ?
What's the most overrated TV show of all time?
Redditors of reddit, what did you wear that's green today?
What is your most random/interesting animal fact?
What’s your favorite fast food restaurant and why?
why IBM is still stuck in the 90's
How you find out he/she is the one?
What's the best question to ask on a first date?
What do you do when you lose your job?
What’s a “subtle” sign that someone is secretly a terrible person?
how can we get out of this financial hole?
If you could live in any city outside the U.S. for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
how is your weekend going so far?
What's your one hobby that makes you unaware of the time?
How do you think the 2024 election was rigged?
If AI surpasses human intelligence, what’s the first thing you think it would do that would signal the end for us?
What is the trait you are most proud of in yourself ?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
who is the most badass elderly person you know?
What did you do with your school uniform after graduation?