Android. Everything I've posted in the past and anything new I'm trying to post does show up in my post list in my profile but not in the communities they've been posted to. My insights are also saying not available.
One of her favorite places to lounge: between my knees
Catsat for our friend and now I’m in love
My beautiful mom in 1959, on the beach with high heels (2nd photo).
My parents, grandma, uncles and aunts goofing. 1965
You need them, I knead em.
Here I present Zoe. We just discovered this sub and we love it.
Her rear earfurnishings are coming in nicely 🥰
My brother passed away yesterday unexpectedly (age 57). Here we are with our dad when we were small (Brother is on the Right). He was the best brother!
According to this local newspaper ad, I should be considering the state of my beaver. As if anyone but my husband or my doctor gets to see it.
Had to goodbye to our sweet Jack this morning. He was 13 years, 7 months. Never met a stranger, the sweetest disposition, and a life of adventures. My heart is truly broken.
Wooden rollercoaster, 1900s.
Calico, tortie or both?
Happy Thursday
She loves me
Those eyes in photo #3 tell me I wasn't thrilled with my birthday present, 1971
Our Siberian Korra
My older sister in 1970. Second photo is her with my twin sister and me, also 1970. She was the best older sister you could ask for. I miss her.
7th Grade School Photo [1982]
Tortoise or calico
Chicago Illinois rocky beach in the 1940s. For what i have been told, the huge rocks are there to avoid erosion on the beach. Some people enjoy the beach
No way this ad would fly today (and for good reason, I should add). “To the guy who’s got a girl in every city: Delta will fly you there at 50% off.” - Delta Airlines ad, 1973.
1898-My great grandma (the toddler being held) and her family
Does my cat count as Calico?
Can Milo join please?