I volunteer with rescue pups and I just got the honor of taking this sweet girl out for a walk!!! Such a gentle and loving dog.
Does my cat know when I’m sad?
What makes dreams less real than the reality we experience when awake? They feel so vivid like whole other worlds
Nipple piercings are disgusting
Do people on SSRIs just never drink alcohol again, or disregard the warnings?
Charli D'amelio is overrated
I think most people are destined to be just average and that's okay.
Medical workers are not hero’s, they are just doing what they get paid to do.
Films, Web Series and Novels create equally unrealistic expectations with regards to Love and Relationships as Porn does with regards to Sex.
There is nothing admirable about predatory animals.
Why do people on r/unpopularopinions always get offended when someone posts an actual unpopular opinion? I see people take everyone’s opinions like a personal attack
I’m an adult. I can buy a baby goat if I want to.
What is your unsubstantiated hypothesis?
First time tattoo appointment advice??
Ladies; have you ever known someone who emanated big dick energy but actually ended having a small one?
What's worse than death?
[Serious] Why do we, as humans, refuse to find a middle ground?
What habit/tic do you see your significant other do all the time that they don't realize?
What do you like the most about your partner?
What was the weirdest sexual fetish your ex had?
Girls, what do you think is embarrassing in the behavior of guys?
Schizo emotions and art. Sorry I don’t mean to bother I am just having trouble and manic so I keep painting 10-15 paintings a day
I am an Incel AMA.
If your partner has a vastly different standard of cleanliness than you, how do you cope?
Eating meat is murder and is no different than killing a person