The BIG Johnny Reveal
H... (please read caption)
MAGA Business Boycott List
If you won millions in the lotto what would you buy first?
If you could magically bring back a closed restraunt for an evening, what would it be, and what would you order?
Official MAGA-Fascist Affiliated Businesses to Boycott in Rhode Island
What is a cookie/dessert you liked at first but ended up disliking or hating?
Nazis headed to Government Center
What is your favorite restaurant?
Refund hit y’all!!
Has anyone else noticed that Hanson's Mill had a 4th slot that could never be filled permanently?
If you could have one prop or costume item from the show, what would it be and why?
The baby
You wake up tomorrow and the year is 2001. What do you do?
Did you ever notice the kids in the background?
Question About SNAP Benefits
Lindsay Sidney Greenbush
Jonathan Garvey would’ve been my type
PSA: Clean off your fucking cars
Guys what the actual FUCK is happening?
Terminated 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Do you wish you could live in the time LHP was set in?