All the skirts I love.
Made a career switch successfully, but still feeling lost. Help!!
How i make 💰 shopping 🛍️ online
Had a sickening experience as transgirl recently
wedding in a week and my bf just told me the dress code pls save me
My observation: consumption of relationship content
Raikamal ❤️
How to deal with indifference by my manager for refusing to have sex with him!
Why the posts on mainstream Indian Sub are all about Relationship, marriage & Divorce?
Would you date submissive men?
[selling] pastel green beaded corset style top!
Fake Kayali delivered by AJIO
What I read to combat stress.
Married women who did not take their husband’s last name, what do you intend on doing for your kid’s last name?
A dalit feminist voice
Gold or Silver?
Anyone feels a rush of horniness when your partner does something sweet?
Where do you think a majority of Indians are in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid?
Trad wife?
Lack of conversations about intersectionality in this subreddit
Just found out my best friend is full on Islamophobic!
Saadat Hasan Manto
How do I ask a very good friend of mine not to pick fights with me every time she gets her period
Introducing our official chat channel for the ladies of the sub!