Any tips for 2025 IL Bar Takers?
Chicago is The Worst Most Oversaturated Legal Market in the Country
I won a bench trial!
Solos- if you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when starting out, what would it be?
Need to find a sublease for Fall 2024
Putting my notice in tomorrow to hang my own shingle - words of reassurance appreciated!
Best way to find jobs
Opinion on Webster House?
If you could do it over again, what would you do different?
Launch Solo PI firm
State with best trial lawyers?
How much do you guys get paid hourly as a law clerk?
Is this a Good Offer? Plaintiff's Firm
Best/Funny Wisdom from Experienced Attorneys
Personal injury lawyers. Would you hire an associate straight out of law school?
Medical Record BINGO
Lawyers: What do you regret NOT doing in law school?
Why is the Insurance Defense Market so Hot Right Now?
Normal not to be super involved as a 1L?
When did you get your 1L Summer Job?
Looking for a gym buddy
What's the A that made you stop refreshing that status checker?
Rejected from dream school
A at Illinois ($$)!
$$$$ at U of Illinois!