How did the American and Australian accent develop when they both had the same ancestors?
I could never go skydiving
Blonde or brunette???
Love should be __________. (Finish the sentence)
Jenny has the best hair
What were some of the ridiculous reasons your posts got removed from a sub?
How do I lose weight if calorie deficit makes me hungry?
How do I stop feeling ashamed of gaining weight?
Multilingual people.
Why do I have the sudden urge to fall in love?
What small, ridiculous thing makes you irrationally angry??
what do you love most about yourself?
What do you do when you have a crush on someone?
Immortality is Horrifying
What do you think is the secret to always making a girl feel pretty?
It's crazy how the first video posted on YouTube will be 20 years old next month.
I don't care about what's been going on with planes lately. I'm still ok with flying if I had to.
Redditors, would we like you in real life? And why/why not?
I miss getting drunk
Have you ever been on reddit while being drunk?
I hate people
I am proudly single and celibate
birthday is tomorrow! spending it alone probably
When I'm thirsty, I drink Mountain Dew instead of water