Religious people, refute this (using prudential claims). I may be atheist but I'm willing to change my mind if proven wrong.
Was there ever a "Dark Age" in Chinese History?
I've plateaued - what next?
The Holy Spirit is more likely than not feminine in nature, and probably needs to be feminine in nature in order for the Christian God to be complete.
The legitimacy Roman Catholic Church is not supported by contemporary evidence.
Unsure what to do.. 6'4 and 189lbs now after cutting. Do I continue cutting? I still seem to have love handles
If god’s grace makes exceptions for children whose life is cut short, Then murdering children is infinitely good/beneficial in their interests.
What Jesus went through is not enough to pay for every single persons’ sins.
Christians don't really have faith, they're larping in a cosplay convention
Credobaptism in the Early Church: it was not the norm
Faith is binary. You either have it.....or you do not.
The Trinity is incompatible with classical theism
When is this bug getting fixed
Free will doesn’t imply that everything is possible - why the free will response to the problem of evil fails
Whether God Exists or Not, It Doesn’t Make Any Difference
The Christian doctrine of hell is absurd and contradictory.
Could a novel written in ‘classic literature style’ sell today?
trinity is false
If I started a fake religion, I feel people would eat it up because of the concept of 'faith' alone
Evil might be necessary in order to create heaven. Argument from Logical Necessity.
All religion relies on metaphysical assumptions.
If Morality Is Subjective and Evidence Is Lacking, How Do theists determine that their religion is the right one
'Christianity is a Coping Mechanism' is a poor statement if Christianity is taken seriously.
Catholic Moral Objectivity Cannot be Taken Seriously
I want to write a story inspired by a saint but I DO NOT KNOW how