Rate this joint from 1 to 10, it is a mix of weed and dry
Rate the joint, full of skittle weed
I think I don't look bad but I look way too femenine and childish for my age
Please drop any routine or tips to get bigger and don't hate please
Fringe, middle part or slickback?
Forward growth progress, what else can I do
What type of nose do I have?
Better side profile than Chico. Now I just need everything else 😭🙏
How can improve my eyes?
Wich spec of the m3 do you prefer?
Photo Dump After Learning a Few Things
New srt photoshoot
Got back to photography after a while
What do you think about this picture?
Getting back into photography so here’s a dump of my recent photos
Thoughts on the livery?
Totally worth the wait!!
Most photorealistic game to date?
Guess the real image!
My fav builds yet
These cars were peak AMG.
Livery based on a real spec
My best photos yet (probably)