Quand les généticiens ont mis fin au concept de races humaines
Beyond travel and residency, what are the benefits of new EU citizenship that I don’t know about that I should take advantage of?
Clubs to join for fastnacht in Basel/ clubs to join in general
Why the facists hating facists?
Russia & America vs Europe mod?
The bright and intelligent future generations of North Korea!
I secretly recorded my professor making sexist remarks and got him fired!
Bengal Genocide of 1943
Starved peasants lying on the streets in Kharkiv during the Ukrainian Great Famine (Holodomor) in 1933 AD
Is this infuriating for everyone? Am I finally so Integrated that I can't stand this?
Pourquoi on a une narine bouchée et pas l'autre quand on est enrhumé ?
Salmonella has entered the chat
Red UN Laissez-Passer
Why do the French speak so fast?
Un jeu médiéval compétitif basé sur le commerce… ça existe déjà ? 🤔
Joined the Wrong Club, Got the Right Vibes!
A crime in Austria
Let’s gooo
Lung cancer pc
RU POV: Russian drones hunt Ukrainian soldiers trying to flee Kursk Oblast.
F-35 : dépendance américaine et milliards gaspillés ?
34 M - Switzerland, will be moving in with my girlfriend. So long my cozy attic apartment
Considering a Computer Science Degree — Is the Job Market Really That Bad?
RU POV:Size of a 240mm mortar shell compared to a Russian soldier.