Having issues with crew limits (only 7 allowed. Ship cap of 29 crew and I have ship command to max)any mod you can recommend to fix this. Or any other option would be appreciated. thank you
Why I can only have 7 crew members. My ship command skills is 4/4?! And my ship has crew capability to 20+
Apologies if I’m abusing of me time. Just new update on my space sub. I won’t change it again 🤣
My new add to my fleet. My mod razor leaf
I wish I could dock more than one ship at the time in my outpost.
Finally I managed to deactivate the module overlap check!!!! I wish I knew this before . Thank you guys managing to run a clean game no issues so far . Same ship but improved
Hello boys and girls. I’m looking for a captain outfit. Any MODS? without funny plugs. Any advice would be appreciated
Which Xbox are you playing?
Hello everyone: I’m playing in a Xbox: I have reset the Xbox periodically to clean caches. I do keep no more than 3 saves. But at the moment I’m stuck
UCN Vanguard Prime Supercarriër
Sorry no time for missions, I just want to build my ship
Help with a bugged Xbox please
Help!! Stuck in a Xbox I have few mod I clean the caches regularly and only 3 saves max . But I can’t progress the games freeze every time I try to get to the lodge
Good bye to my ship. Eternity is calling. Just want to share and say good bye to the old girl
P-38 Lightning gets the Badtech treatment. now goes BBBBRRRRTTTTTT
Biggest complaint in Starfield
How do you come to love the game?
How can I kick out a NPC of my ship for good ?
What is this? Hello. I found this out of a creature in a canyon in Akila and I got a sound like I win something out of a vending machines. What is it?
Sarah! Behave. On second thought. Come on then!
Main quest first or last?
Don’t want to go to unity
Place doors yourself
Mods!!!! In love with this game
So after loosing all my savings at lvl 79