Fight interrupted
it’s dumb to cancel celebrities for not speaking out about international events
US Politics in the Tyson Zone?
What's your favorite song most people haven't heard of?
POG tape measure thingy?
These songs was released on this day. Which one is your favorite ?
Who would you cast Ana De Armas in the MCU or DCU!
Which Spawn villain would make a great Batman villain?
Does anyone have Batman suggestions?
Which one is your favorite look?
Not fond of narratives of Wayne's parents being "corrupt". Them being noble elites who tried to do the right thing gives meaning to Batman's mission
My favorite Survivor duos are always the ones made of two people who would probably never meet in real life. A lot of the time they end up becoming lifelong friends which is really cool to me
What celebrity conspiracy seems totally plausible?
Which movie would you erase from your memory just to watch it fresh again?"
Would you pay $700 for this?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Mariska memes!😭😭
Who would you choose to play DCU's Hitman?
What was that US cake decorating show in the early 2010’s-2015?
Guys, let's make Naomi Scott as Zatanna in the DCU happen.
We've seen EVERY MAIN Mountain Dew flavor's rebrand EXPECT for LiveWire, and I'm starting to freak out! I don't wanna lose LiveWire! I'M SCARED! 😓
Joe Rogan was never funny and is now pathetic
The Looney Tunes Show (2011-2013)
Monty Python is boring/unwatchable. – My Mom
Captain Thomas H. Garahan, 'Easy' Company, 2nd Battalion, 398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division, raises the 'Stars and Stripes' flag made secretly by a local French girl - March 16, 1945 [x-post /r/80yearsago]