How do you guys think Ash would interact with each of the Protagonists?
Pokemon Day 2026 Predictions (Choose A Door)
Do you think both Ash and Leon would motivate Nemona to participate in the Pokemon World Coronation Series?
More TCG sync pair ideas! #11: Cyrus, James, and even Nate!
I don't know why I find this adorably cute
Thoughts on Emolga and the New Volt Switch
More TCG sync pair ideas! #10: Dawn, Jessie (I know it'll never happen), and Morty
More TCG sync pair ideas! #9: Lance, Professor Oak, Sabrina, Fantina, and Jasmine
March 15, 2025: Elite Four Lorelei vs. AI Turo
More TCG sync pair ideas! #8: Koga, Cheren, Blue, Elesa, Grimsley, and Giovanni
How would Larry do in the World Coronation Series?
More TCG sync pair ideas! #7: Karen, Phoebe, Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Candice, Flint, Thorton, Clay, and Roxie
Name ANY character and I’ll say if Kirby can beat them in an eating contest!
How would Iono do in the World Coronation Series?
More TCG sync pair ideas! #6: Clair, Janine, and Will
PokéMario (made in 2013)
Tomodachi Life level up items tournament! Pick your least liked item! The most voted item will be eliminated! Tournament updates every day
Petition for Mikey to do this collab
How would Brassius do in the World Coronation Series?
More TCG sync pair ideas! #4: Blaine and Bruno
Since Wednesday or Thursday sky ruins come back, perfect time to talk about it!
I'm Chloe's Eevee, AMA!
Who is your white whale when it comes to ultimate battles?