How do I get a photo to look like this?
Advance lever sets of flash, but shutter release does not
Cleaning out my friends house found this…
Blue This
Timer “zzz” sound remains for a while after shutter release on low speeds.
My GF and I just beat DS2 + DLC with all bosses.
Is Alonne's runback overhated?
How safe is for buyers?
What is a reliable place to purchase used cameras in Europe?
Om2 mirror help
What's a movie that isn't really all that popular, but you still enjoy
What is wrong with these photos?
Australian tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralysed body.
Am I dumb or is something broken? -help
Is this version of the F2 just as good as the ones that followed?
Just how rare is this attack?
Blue smelter demon runback is not even bad
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Whats the fish with the largest mouth and No teeth?
Camera bodies alone, Nikon F2 or Canon F1 and why?
Which actor or actress is the indicator for you, that the movie is going to be great? I'll go first:
Lightroom Classic presets for scanned film
Why dies the Canon F1 advance lever feel different than other cameras’
🇪🇸- A man risks it all to save a woman trapped in a car as severe floods hit Spain. Valencia and the Canary Islands remain on yellow alert with heavy rainfall — residents warned to stay away from riverbeds.
What kind or development can I use this light for?