Guess the plane WW2 edition
What’s with the formations in this game??
What animal species is actually the most evil?
Was searching for a player in transfer hub and look where I found Manchester United in.
Has anyone ever actually used a real player
Who do you prefer announcing the other Teams goals?
What bits of commentary has stuck in your head over the years?
I hope no one has already reposted this on here
I think i play too much...
Is this the worst possible pack?
I forgot how fine S1 Kevin is🤭
Started playing this season day before yesterday. Am I lucky to get this team or does everyone just sit with cards like these?
Every orange needs a black and white friend
Found this 8 year old roast in my grandparents freezer
What was your experience like the first time you ever fired a firearm?
New Aesthetic Build with No Compromises
Do I put this player on when he is 16 or keep him? (FIFA23)
Do you think I win this?
Why on the f111 and other planes the throttle control is split and separated?
Should I use 95 cavani or 96CF Bobb
What is your favorite premium prop?
What's your favorite drop spot in OG: Fortnite? I'll go first
My TOTY (Men)