What monster movie surprised you by being much better and deeper than expected ?
Heart Stopping
Fits here ig.
I felt the pain
I got 2 Nat 20s in a row killing a villian that my DM planned to use long term and couldn't believe how amazing it felt
What kind of blade is he working on?
Not the type of evolution I was expecting
I think I’m bad at combat
So who was the leak?
Probably a dumb question about the 3 oaths.
Name a film that lots of people rave about but you just don’t like it/get it
Why does House Baerne have several male children
What do you think of Dragonbait the saurial paladin?
Am I in the wrong for thinking this?
How many sets of dice do you need to play a game (new player)?
It's really hard to tell which one of us this could be.
Are werewolves an infinite source of meat?
Should Brass Knuckles/Knuckledusters be added to DnD? Let me know your thoughts.
My DM just killed me
Pedron Niall
A round being 6 seconds seems too low
What did you guys think of this movie.
How is Conan portrayed when he goes into a rage?
Which actor/actress are forever stuck in your mind for just one movie? Drop your pick!
Some people are born with six fingers dure to a rare genertic trait called polydactyly. It's sometimes fully functional and even considered lucky!
Just hatched quail chicks
Greatest shootout scene since Heat (1995)? The Town (2010).