Female Pikachus with Kurta Costume will be Updated Soon to be Male
My preschooler used my Masterball on a Kabuto 🫠
Please bring keldeo back
Dynamax Chansey catch circle tiny AF
I won Pokémon go
IS Kagami a hypocrite in Daddycop?
I know they want to promote girlpower and all but adrien getting destroyed so easily is frustrating
Go Fest 2025 Texts Datamined
Question about Kagami in Daddycop
It's allways that DAMN sword
This will remain as the most pathetic thing the writers ever did,adrien and felix got done so dirty
When will episode 6 of season 6 come out?
Anyone else disappointed by no Keldeo during Unova tour?
Why no new episode is released?
Word of Warning: Do not fuse Kyurem until you get to this quest 😅
I was playing POGO with my 7yo nephew today
It a Shiny Moltres and it’s 0 IVs