PRO parpadila mike
Can we PLEASE buff legendary star drops?
What BFMV song is the most relatable and why?
What was the first BFMV song you listened to
Your Trivium hot takes?
My 2024 review
What are the mutually agreed fan favourite songs
Juiciest pinch harmonic in any of their songs?
Finally!!! Ordered it August
Pull Harder on the Balls of Your Martyr
Do you recognize this song with only drums? Wrong answers only! 🤘🤘
This was me with “Curses” back when I was like 11 and first getting into the band.
what's YOUR fav trivium song/section?
Ember to Inferno's hidden trilogy?
My Top 20 BFMV songs
Favourite album?
What. did. you. get. in. your. 10. dead. boxes...
I don't even care man
“Room 409” was most voted for “What’s this song’s name again”! Now, which song best fits the “this song made me a fan” category?!
how do I change the version? I can't play multiplayer, the problem is between the parenthesis.
New era of Matt's vocals
I’m okay with ads but…
🖤 your fav poison song? mine is cries in vain
Album rankings be like