Was sleeping with a girl and she got her period
Am I doing something wrong
Thinking about buying a Celica
What is the best social media marketing course from a practical standpoint?
38 dollar qrt oz. What could you get for 5$ a g?
Suggestions ?
he better pass that
Spring rolls
How do my cones look
So many decisions, help...
Bought a new bong it needs a name
Half for $70 what y’all think?
Compiling a list of mods I want to do in the future to my car. Any suggestions on brands? Links help as well.
Pressed weed in Thailand
What y’all smokin
What’s your favorite way of smoking?
Decided to take my friend drifting in my stock 350z auto. Driver is a beginner and practicing his figure 8s
Home grown first time
New to smoking. What's your favorite strain?
$5 USD in Colombia, is this any good?
Snapchat banned my acc. Can’t even make a new one😔