How it feels when your toddler literally won’t stop biting other kids at daycare
The struggle is real
[US, US] [H] Sealed promos, IRs, ARs, random modern [W] Wantlist, PayPal FF
[US,US] [H] Modern Hits at 90% Market, SSP Pikachu & Latias SIR, Temporal Forces Master Set [W] PayPal
[US, NA] [H] High-Mid End Slabs, Sealed, Binder, PayPal [W] PayPal, Wantlist
What was the most outrageous lie you told your kid in order to get them to do/not do something, and it worked?
Calling for your participation in the r/NFCNorthMemeWar Meme Awards 2025!
[US, US] [H] $100-150 PayPal [W] Bulk Japanese DP holos, damaged old back vintage holos, multiple art rare, IR.
[US,US] TONS OF CARDS! [H] Raw Cards, Slabs, Sealed, PC [W] PayPal G&S, Trades
[US,US][W] NM/LP+ vintage Bulk and all condition holos/rares/promos, NM modern Bulk & hits [H] PayPal, Prismatic Evolutions packs
Baxcalibur go brrr
[US, US] [H] Binder of 151, prismatic, TG, IR, etc [W] Paypal GS
[US,US] (H) 90% market binder and a few slabs, base set zard, VG pika (W) PPff or trades
(Us,us) (h) Gengar Vmax alt art other high end modern high end slabs and mid cards (w) PayPal or trades
[US, US] Opening up my PC to celebrate 100 trades [H] trade binder, PC, ST ETBs [W] PayPal
[US, MA] [H] Singles, Slabs [W] PayPal
new pokémon center promo is 🔥🔥
[US,US] [H] Mostly Modern Binder, Slabs, Sealed Promos [W] Primarily Trades & Wantlist, Maybe PayPal FF
[US, US] [H] PE Surprise Box Promos/Lot, Modern, Japanese ARs [W] PayPal FF, Wantlist
[US,US] [H] Mid-High end Modern Hits, 2 Graded, Sealed ex Deoxys Jetstream Theme Deck [W] Paypal
[US-US] (H) PayPal, EVERYTHING! singles, slabs, and a little sealed ranging $5-$1500 (W) Paypal, no trades but I do want Paldean wooper IR
[US, US] [H] Updated Binders, a lot from different eras [W] PayPal
[US, US] [H] ENG Binder SIR's/IR's & PE Small Hits/TG/GG & PC Trade Only [W] Mostly PayPal FnF and maybe SIR's/IR's
[US,US][H]Sealed- surging sparks, BW XY packs, Reshi Zek GX, jessie james, armored mewtwo, misc FAs [W]Paypal