Really can’t decide
Bought my dress 3 days ago have felt really unsure since
I can’t decide between these 4! Help!
For those diagnosed officially that did well in school early on, what symptoms did you have in childhood other than just poor performance in school?
Really liked all of these dresses… which one is best?
What are some things you can't own as someone with ADHD?
Help! I’m indecisive and they’re so pretty
I’m starting ozempic f*k it
What's something that cheered you up this week?
Daily oversharer thread! What did you overshare that you’re now ruminating on?
Do you prefer patients who are chatty or quiet?
what product are you still using after the hype died down?
(Embarrassed) how does everyone get themselves to shower?
1st dress try on from local boutique buyout. I’m overwhelmed a little. What do you guys think?
Episode 200
Anyone else thinks this pic is weird
That must’ve been what she was referring to with the hardest time in her life
what are you guys doing for sleep?
“The moment Drew can support me & wants to, I’ll quit my job”
People who were diagnosed with adhd as adults, what made you go for a diagnosis?
What does are you on?
ISO a heavy eye cream for night time that won’t cause Milia
Strattera…..morning or night?
Why it's important to get your skin checked...
Large dark spots- can I do anything?