Kid is shocked to see dad’s bald look
Doggo trying her prosthetics for the first time.
A distinguished doggo eating pineapple.
Why are Indian men like this? 😭
Preparation kota mai chal rahi ya ....
Ye Sahi hai...😅
This kid cooking a cheese pizza pie and eating it with a smile is the definition of ‘wholesome’
32 + 3 = 35 🗿
Ah yes, those eggs!
What is something you suck at?
what’s the funniest inside-joke you have with someone?
How do you get dressed: top-down or bottom-up?
What was the smallest thing there ended the relationship?
What could be better about The United States of America?
What would your “signature dance move” be called?
What’s something that makes you cringe?
What kitchen gadget did you get that seemed so simple but changed your life?
What was the first song you really loved?
What’s a random trend from your childhood you wish would come back?
How do you deal with people you don't like?
Former lazy people, how are you able to motivate yourself to complete tasks?
What are you currently trying to change about your life?
What are your thoughts on americas public dress code compared to other countries?
What is God to you?