The concept design of Diaclone Devastator
Concept art of Starscream 2007
The most terrible weapon
Batman Beyond Custom from Animated Blurr figure, author Shinobitron
I'm not the only one who sees this, am I?
Custom Arcee, based on Sideswipe figure from Dotm
Custom Menasor based on Voyager Megatron figure from Dark of the Moon, author Jin Saotome
Custom Hot Rod based on Deluxe Bumblebee 2007, author Jin Saotome
Custom Impactor based on FoC Optimus, author Jin Saotome
Briefly about rendering in ROTF:
Remember this fanart?
Did you know that Miami exists in the GTA universe?
Ravage concept art for Rotf, similar to G1
Custom Shockwave from Soundwave's ROTF figure, author Jin Saotome
Concept art Devastator for ROTF in G1 style
Custom based on concept art of a constructicon that didn't make it into the second film(found on the internet)
Devcon custom, from the same author who created Constructicon from concept art. Author:
Custom Shockwave from the Swindle figure from the first movie, author Jin Saotome
I'm surprised no one thought of this before.
An image of the rеаl fеmаle Bugs from the book Reading Rabbit: Studies in Warner Bros. Animation.
An image of the real femаle Bugs from the book "Reading Rabbit: Studies in Warner Bros. Animation."
An image of a full-fledged female Bugs from the book "Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Animation"
The multiverse collapsed from such illogicality.
Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire!