Did you try to register to vote last Tuesday for a NH town election? Were you successful?
The face of a man with a $400 tummy ache.
If you didn’t receive any type of medical intervention, what age would you have naturally died?
Today has been the worst day for me this year
What do I do? I found this little cat on a walk and it was meowing non stop and followed me home. I gave it little pieces of cut up turkey and now it’s sitting in my lap. No collar I feel bad just sending it back outside it was on a busy street
I replaced a hollow core door with a slab that cut out at a local building supply company. Finished product, cost, and tips from my experience. : HomeImprovement
Why is it considered rude to speak another language other than English in the U.S.?
What's not as attractive as people think?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
TREATMENT Community Thread - Thu Oct 28 PM
What’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and what caused it?
[Serious] What celebrity death hit you the hardest?
Turkey Harvesting Day (2019)
Wish Pidge luck! He has surgery today to get pins in his broken leg and foot.
Is this some kind of wall anchor?
Concerning owners of unclipped parrots.
Some lovely king parrots that came to visit this morning
Opening paragraph from one the best books ever written
There is a birds of paradise plant up in o'creagh's run. Mistake or purposely placed?
🔥 Momma sea otter making sure her pup is comfy 🔥
Wholesome Nanny
This is the cage setup I have for my budgie, Dexter. Is the cage big enough?
This Bird came to cuddle me yesterday. What kind of species is this?
My friend works at Goodwill. Found this poor thing in the donations