Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador 25
Uhm... What even is a... that...?
Subsidizing Canada
Independentemente do movimento artístico contemporâneo, isso é um fato
Citar Olavo de Carvalho é a cereja do bolo
Noites de domingo
Qual sua opinião sobre Jesus Cristo?
How can I move to Canada?
Books you refuse to read to your kids?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Man votes for Trump, wife gets detained. The section where it says “I thought they would catch the people who snuck through the border”
A Fascinating Trend I've Noticed (Gushing About the Writing of This Game)
Comer com os outros é nojento
They came to Canada to chase a dream. Now they’re being forced to leave and feel betrayed
Lets say I take flour to an airport in my suitcase, and I hide it the same way drug traffickers try to transport drugs, you know, false bottoms and all that, and the police find the flour, realize it's flour and not drugs, can they arrest me for that joke?
O mundo de hoje não te dá saudades de quando a treta na internet era de ateus vs crentes do que política?
🇺🇸 Treasury Sec. Bessent tries to ease stock market crash fears: '1 week does not the market make', 'We are not going to have a crisis'
[BAD VIBES] Subsonic Weapon used on the crowd in Belgrade today, making them react like some kind of magic attacked them
Homem critica mulher que acredita em signo e tarot, mas acredita em Deus: grande hipocrisia.
Lowering Generation
Se a Esquerda Brasileira começar a se armar, a Extrema-Direita vai começar a pedir pelo desarmamento?
Invading Canada Is Not Advisable
Canadá ou Austrália para IT – Qual o melhor destino?
A Bíblia devia ser lida como o senhor dos anéis.
Marxistas = betas