What will be the Pros and cons of Giving ST status to 6 communities of Assam?
Assamese and 'beya paabo'
Drop your study area!
Rate my ride
Fcked my life over neet
Casteism in Bengal vs rest of India
Dear NE people, don't let others to distort ur history.
Write down I'm a Miya, Assam (India)
First time posting here, captured these last year.
New in Town
Jorhat ahisu olop dinor krne cycle loi, bhal spot kisuman kua suun jodi jna cycling r karne bhal view thokar
😮 shocking!!
rula diya na bechare ko
This is why too much tourism can destroy a place. When will Indians learn civic sense?
Another teenager suicide in my city
i think i’m at rock bottom
Kal bhandara hai guys 🍻
What happened to upbeat neetdom
The simple "ma ke hath ka khana"
Can anyone tell me how they got their first taste of the" meat" ?
Having some trouble
Got them for 3.4k on ajio with replaced packaging
Aur inko Kashmir chahye
Literally everyday at university circle
How are akansha ma'am principal of inheritance lecture from etoos education