Several Teslas were set on fire at a Tesla service center in Las Vegas early this morning.
Guess which one is out of tune!
What are your strangest picks for favorite song by an artist?
What song has your favorite guitar tone(s) of all time?
What song you came across sounds 'technically' most impressive to you?
Give me your favorite EP's of all time
The day it all went to hell
And on that day, a certain Matthew Patrick felt a disturbance in the force...
Which anime has the best power system
If TPAB wasnt called TPAB, what would you call it?
what did yall get?
The worst she can say is.......
He’s actually doing it?
What is your go-to comfort album?
OH FFS not again (this is just lazy writing)
Albums that sound EXACTLY like their covers
what’s the best song to die to?
Oh fuck i’m so back
Favorite tiny desk?
Make a burger
I didnt get it
Just trying to get some recommendations
favorite characters that are ruined by pornography
What’s your unlikely answer for the best album in an artist’s discography?
Finally, Toanwood in a Pick