What is a “cheat code” you’ve learned in life that everyone should know?
Why does getting turned on sometimes make us need to pee?
What is a childhood memory that still haunts you?
How are you people genuinely attracted to feet
My son found this tiny spoon and ate his jello with it, because "he wasn't that hungry, so he just wanted to take tiny bites."
Why do we feel embarrassed about things that happened years ago?
If a baby is born on a plane, what citizenship do they get?
Do you think someone is able to handle working 70+ hours weekly almost every week?
Do most people actually like their lives?
I was able to give my daughters a bedroom. I never had one growing up.
This giant Maine Coon I got to hold at work today. He is super sweet! The best boy! I have permission from his owner to share.
Have you experience sleep paralysis? what's your worst experience?
Earliest childhood memory you can remember?
Do people from reddit have job? why are they online everytime?
Why you people like reddit?
What's can you say about reincarnation?
What's a hobby that actually takes up time?
What’s a common piece of advice that is actually terrible?
What are some hidden gem subreddits you follow you think everyone should know about?
If you could swap consciousness with any animal for a day, which one would it be and why?
What are your thoughts on a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
What’s a sign someone definitely wasn’t raised right?
What's the smell that you like that people don't like?
What's your pet peeve?
What’s a job that sounds fun but is actually a nightmare?